To increase awareness and knowledge regarding what HIV/AIDS are, how HIV is contracted, and, ways to prevent contracting this virus.

More from the Program Coordinator:

The LRRCN STI Program is a program designed to raise awareness of the growing problem of Sexually transmitted infections within Little Red, to reduce stigma associated with these infections and to encourage testing and treatment at local health centres.

Who we are:

The team includes CHRs, LPNs, and RNs. We also collaborate with Health Canada RNs (who provide testing and treatment).

What we do:

We provide free condoms in high traffic areas in all communities:

  • Jars at Norther Store, 5th Meridians, Band Offices, Kayas Colleges, Gyms and Health Center Reception.
  • If you notice a jar is near empty, please contact your local CHRs to come and fill them up.

We teach Sex Education to the High School Kids:

  • In the fall with Compass Center for Sexual Wellness.
  • In the spring with HIV North
  • Have successfully advocated with the Director of Ed and Board of Ed to include sex education within the curriculum. This means grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 will be taught age appropriate information about their changing bodies, relationships, sex, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infection.

Here’s how community members can actively participate:

Community Meetings/Presentations are held in all 3 communities with the HIV North Society each Spring.
Visit our booth at the Gathering of Generations to raise awareness of the growing problem of Sexually Transmitted Infections in LRRCN. A Registered Nurse spoke to groups and individuals about HIV and other STIs. Participants received a $10 gift card to Northern store and a “Stop the Spread in Little Red” T-shirt.

Testing Initiative

  • We Advertise to have people come in to Health Centres for STI testing. Give them a bag with condoms, candy and a chance to win a $25 gift card. Give them a t-shirt when they come to get their results.
  • We set up an STI Booth at the annual community resource fair outlining what LRRCN does in the STI area, what the concerns are, available resources and recommendations. Each participant can play a game, answering a question about Sexually Transmitted infections to win a prize.


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